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Oil & fuel resistant
- The outsole is resistant against oil and fuel.

Water resistant Upper (WRU)
- Prevents penetration of water if not permanently exposed to high levels.

Heel energy absorption 
- Heel energy absorption reduces the impact of jumps or running on the body of the wearer.

- Antistatic footwear prevents build-up of static electrical charges and ensures that they are discharged effectively. Volume resistance between 100 KiloOhm and 1 GigaOhm

SRA slip resistance
- Slip resistance is one of the most important features of safety and occupational footwear. SRA slip resistant soles are tested on a ceramic tile with dilute soap solution.

- S3 safety shoes are suitable for work in an environment with high humidity and presence of oil or hydrocarbons. These shoes also protect against perforation risk of the sole, and foot crushing.

Size: 35,36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45.

Safety Jogger DOLCE S3 SRC

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